New Zoning Application for Light Auto Repair on Sydney Ann Boulevard (Z-14)

Dec 22, 2019 | Zoning

This is one of the zoning cases that MIC’s Zoning Committee is involved in. For more information about MIC’s process and other zoning cases, click here.

This application is for light auto repair and office use.

Case Number: Z-14

Location: 1498 Sydney Ann Boulevard

Applicant: Andres Estrada

Future Land Use Map Category: Neighborhood Activity Center

Current Zoning Category: General Commercial

Requested Zoning Category: Neighborhood Retail Commercial

Hearing Dates:

Planning Commission: June 2, 2020

Board of Commissioners: June 16, 2020

Application as Filed: Click Here

Stipulations Letter: Click Here

MIC’s PositionRecommend Approval With Conditions

Final Staff Analysis: Click Here

Board of Commissioners Decision: pending

This Post Last Updated On: May 1, 2020

Questions? Email MIC’s Zoning Committee
